Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beijing won the bid yet for the video of the Beijing Municipal Education Committee Mission Resource

At the recent Government tender, the Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid yet for the video of the CPC Beijing Municipal Education Committee Mission Resource Sharing Project.
In order to implement "content development, and talented personnel to teach, resource co-ordination, open innovation," the capital of education development strategy, effectively building science, sustainable development mechanism, through the integration of resources Xingcheng missionary propaganda and education efforts. With the current information technology, network video technology, especially the rapid development and wide application of the trend, through the video resource library and the "College Students Online", "Mission Window", "Capital Education News Network" to form a capital building and sharing of all universities, video resources to the work of the new platform, the main content, overall progress and development of the missionary work of the education system in Beijing.

Yet for the video streaming video system is the highlight of this project, video content distribution requirements to provide global load and push hot content, video content distribution by the overall distribution of active mode, the content push by the central node sub-nodes, in the process the system to ensure content is not lost and damaged.瀵逛簬闊宠棰戝箍鎾?鐢佃鑺傜洰锛岀郴缁熷彲鎸夌収鑺傜洰婧愩?鑺傜洰鏃舵銆侀噰闆嗕换鍔¤繘琛屽畾鍒讹紝骞舵牴鎹畾鍒跺ソ鐨勯噰闆嗕换鍔″彲鎵嬪姩閲囬泦鎴栨牴鎹寚瀹氱殑閲囬泦鏃堕棿琛ㄥ畾鏃惰嚜鍔ㄩ噰闆嗭紝涓轰簡渚夸簬绠$悊锛岄噰闆嗘椂闂磋〃锛堝綍鍒惰妭鐩崟锛夎姹備娇鐢ㄦā鏉跨殑鏂瑰紡鍒朵綔銆?br />
瑕佹眰绯荤粺閲囩敤B/S缁撴瀯锛岄噰闆嗚繃绋嬪畬鍏ㄨ繙绋嬪彲鎺с?鑺傜洰閲囬泦瀹屾垚鍚庡彲鍏ュ獟璧勭郴缁熷緟缂栫洰搴擄紝濡傛湁蹇呰锛屽彲浠ヨ缃綍鍒躲?涓婁紶銆佸彂甯冪瓑鐜妭鑷姩瀹屾垚銆傜郴缁熷彲鎻愪緵瀵归噰闆嗗伐浣滅珯銆佺紪鐮佸櫒鐨勫伐浣滅姸鎬佺殑鐩磋灞曠幇锛屽苟鍙彁渚涜缁嗙殑宸ヤ綔鏃ュ織銆?br />
鍦ㄦ妧鏈笂锛屽皻涓鸿璁祦濯掍綋绠$悊绯荤粺鏃犺鍦ㄥ钩鍙拌璁′笂锛岃繕鏄湪搴旂敤鐨勬暣鍚堜笂锛屽缁堝浜庤涓氶鍏堢姸鎬侊紝涔熸垚涓哄鎴风殑浼橀?銆?br />


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Coreldraw draw cute Doraemon

Doraemon is a favorite of several generations won the classic animated image, he used his magical treasure bag and all kinds of wonderful props to us into a world full of imagination. Today we would use Coreldraw to paint a lovely picture it looks like it:

Effect Picture

Production steps:

1, the first painting. Draw an ellipse with the Ellipse tool, filling the blue, custom contour width, line Do not be too rough on the line.

Figure 1

2, face painting. Copy a head, narrow point, filled white to form a face.

Figure 2

3, drawing the eyes. Draw an ellipse with the Ellipse tool, fill the white, then draw a small oval, fill it with black, forming eyes, and finally draw a smaller oval form filling white eye reflection.

After completion of one eye Ctrl + G group, the level of copy on the other side after flipping to form a pair.

Figure 3

4, painting the nose and mouth. First draw a small oval, filling red, forming the nose, and then hand-painted tools to draw a vertical line, use the Bezier tool to draw a final upturned at both ends of the arc formed upper lip.

Figure 4

5, drawing his beard and mouth. Using Bezier tool to draw a semicircle, with the shape tool to adjust into the following form, fill in red, the formation of the mouth.
Draw three straight lines with hand-painted tools, rotation about the angle, forming one side of the beard, group and come back with a horizontal flip on the nose after the other.

Figure 5

6, drawing the tongue. First draw a quadrilateral with Bezier tool, after the adjustment smooth transfer music, fill the orange. Welding can also be the way with two oval form.

Figure 6

7, painting the body. Draw the basic shapes with the Bezier tool, Ctrl + Q to the curve with the shape tool to regulate smooth, filling the blue.

Figure 7

8, drawing hands and feet. With the ellipse tool and a small painting of two oval, white filling, put the body on the formation of hands. Foot oval is the first painting, then crushed a little, on the lowest level on it.

Figure 8

9, drawing belly and pocket. First draw an oval flattened belly filled with a white point; pocket directly draw elliptical shape tool and then transferred into a semi-circular, elliptical or rectangular cut is required.

Figure 9

10, draw a red ribbon around his neck. Compared with two oval cut can also use the Bezier tool to draw directly upon the basic form of regulation form, fill red.

Figure 10

11, art bell around the neck. First draw an oval shape, to curve in the shape of tools used to add a node in the lower double-click, drag up the formation of the gap, filling yellow. Then draw a small oval on the gap is also filled with yellow. Finally, the rectangle tool, set radius to 30 or so, draw a rounded rectangle shape tool used to adjust the curve upward into a curved shape, filling brown.

Figure 11

12, the bell placed in the red ribbon below to all parts of the Select All, Ctrl + G group, completed!

Figure 12

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Make operator = returns a reference point to * this

"Effective C + +" Reading Notes 10: make operator = returns a reference point to * this

General chain assignment methods:

int x, y, z;

x = y = z = 15; / / is equivalent to x = (y = (z = 15));

When we are to achieve their own operator = operation, the need to return a reference, the reference point to the operator on the left of the parameter; 1 class Widget

2 (

3 public:


5 Widget & operator = (const Widget & rhs)

6 (


8 return * this; / / return * this



* This is why the c + + standard to achieve the standard practice of not doing so can also be compiled, but as is the norm, they observe about it.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Followed by a variety of patches manually clear the new "Annie"

A reference to "Annie," the general Internet users may also remember: A vulnerability has been using Microsoft 0day big spread, a panda burning incense, which is more harmful than the worm. However, along with the Microsoft ANI vulnerability patch release, "Annie," also will disappear for some time. But "Annie" has not completely disappeared, but the "brewing" a new round of attack!

"Annie," a new variant of AN (, they began to stir, resulting in a large number of users to the machine running slowly, does not work, and that a large number of variants can download Daohao Trojans, to the user's online games, online banking security great threat.

Duba lightsaber wearing anti-virus engineers said, "Annie" before the new variant of AN with different variants of the virus can copy itself to C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ System \ driectdb.exe or \ wab32res.exe, while driectdb . exe file by adding hidden attributes, and to own and iexplorer.exe were both injected into the notepad.exe process, and then infected files and download other viruses, such as Daohao class Trojans.

The user is infected with the virus, in the absence of browser and Notepad open the case, the process will appear in the iexplore.exe, notepad.exe two processes, but can not stop there iexplore.exe, and take up a lot of memory, causing the user computer running slow, does not work.

1. Before the end of the system created by the system processes the virus (Notepad.exe Iexplore.exe), the virus itself is injected into the two processes running (Figure 1);

Figure 1

2. Use of a comprehensive anti-virus software to scan, remove the infected exe;

3. Remove virus startup items:

"EXPLORER" = "% ProgramFiles% Common FilesSystemwab32res.exe"

4. Delete the file:

% ProgramFiles% Common FilesSystemtemp.ini
% ProgramFiles% Common FilesSystemavp.ini
% ProgramFiles% Common FilesSystemtemp.txt

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Keyboard input digital pen can break worthy when the big office?

International reported on August 27 a few years, technology companies have been trying to attract the public to develop a digital pen, but after all these years, the world is not changed.

However, some newly created company said, now that digital pen died too early.

Last week, California Iogear plans to introduce a paper written in standard digital pen. Last month, educational computer maker LeapFrog introduced the second generation digital pen, FlyFusion. End of this year, Silicon Valley start-up company plans to introduce a value LiveScribe 2 100 U.S. dollars a digital pen, digital notes not only can write, can also be synchronized with the audio recorder.

The equipment and had very different ideas. The problem is that these new things is only a novelty toy, or their predecessors, and a soon to be idle in the desk drawer of the deep or become an expensive paperweight?

The purpose of developing a digital pen people is simply to get people to use the pen as a computer input device. While Microsoft's Tablet PC (Tablet PC), and many graphic designers have used in their work writing board, but most people still enter through the old keyboard.

Standard digital pen are basically circular design, this is because Sweden's Anoto has developed a special kind of paper, built-in camera of the digital pen can easily locate in this paper.

2002 introduced the Io digital pen has it, Logitech has been using this method. At present, this document has joined the handwriting recognition has Bluetooth wireless capabilities.

But the digital pen's business is still not off. Logitech spokeswoman Nancy Morrison said: "The digital pen is just a small part of our business."

Attractive or digital pen can not be denied. Pen to enter a natural advantage, but it also needs to pay a price.

First of all, a pen for computer input require special paper, special pens or a combination of the two.

Iogear product manager Brian Wells said, generally speaking, digital pen always need special paper to match, but the company priced at 99 U.S. dollars a Digital Scribe systems can write on any paper.

But this pen when taking notes is to be connected to a computer. This is a big flaw. Because most people will have computers to remember notebook computer (the company hopes to launch the wireless version of the Digital Scribe).

Despite this, Digital Scribe is a large market, such as those in class not only to enter text in the students, who may also need to record the formula.

The LiveScribe writing system further, it is the biggest selling point is the ability to record, and then synchronize with handwritten notes. Microsoft OneNote program, in its offer similar functionality, but it requires a computer with, and LiveScribe without computers can run.

LiveScribe prices may be two hundred dollars less, can be listed before the end of this year.

The LeapFrog7 released at the end of 79 dollars FlyFusion. FlyFusion the previous generation with a special code on paper, young people in the above calculation, draw a piano and play music. New FlyFusion for older students, it has recorded the number of notes, users can then be connected and Windows computers, for processing, such as save, send e-mail content, or converted into text.

Currently, Windows computers on the support of digital ink is bad, Windows XP, the only really support the Tablet PC digital pen input, Windows Vista which support more input devices such as Wacom and Iogear's Digital Scribe, etc., but Wells that This is a hodgepodge.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

IP and MAC binding of crack

Our school recently conducted a MAC and IP bundling, but also on the server (Win2K) to conduct the online time limits, really sick of people, I think I'm the one person from unrestricted ah, how you can do so without a fight! Old saying goes, "There are policies," but then I came to kill it, said a pound.

Works as follows:

MAC and IP bundling is on the server, then you think, and the scope should be what is it? Of course, only the client on the server, but if I modify the client's IP, then the server do? If you have thought of it, and it has cracked the binding of the theory.

Steps are as follows:

1, we must first be proven IP limited the scope and range of IP, if the IP is, MAC is the 52-54-AB-12-34-56, then the IP range should be in the -, I think it is unlikely to have complete bundle, or you can wait a die.

2, - do a complete scan, to avoid unnecessary trouble (IP conflicts), caused by network management's attention, as would not care.

3, to find no one to use the IP, from to find, because most of the network is started, and later the general is not used, a breakthrough in here.

4, in the My Network Places -> Properties -> TCP / IP properties just to get the IP address fixed, 95/98/ME see step 5, 2K, XP thus complete, open IE to try it, they fly in on the INTERNET.

5, amended in 95/98/ME system IP, will be prompted to restart, prevent the machine to install cards or similar products to restore not only restart it in my computer -> Properties -> LAN -> first disabled and then enabled (need to wait a bit) -> OK, now try to open IE, it already.

Thus the completion of crack


Install ISA proxy server software for a class to manage, most secure is the division of VLAN, but the switch must support Caixing.

Interest or other opinion talk up the next very welcome.

Reprinted from: Journal of Network Security Alliance

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